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What is the Collective?
Utilizing different members of their team "The West Virginia High Strangeness Collective, Ron & Joe have gathered some interesting data to bring to the table. That data can be seen on their YouTube Channel and in their new series on Small Town Monster "Paranormal Horizons"

We have seen some strange things in the field, everything from physical evidence to repeating signals to spikes in background radiation that seem to suggest something intelligent may be at play. This has lead us to categorize phenomena into two categories. Subject A and B.
Subject A includes any creature or trace evidence that is physical. Any actual flesh and blood being falls into this category, there is nothing strange about it. Data may include physical casts, notable paths or ground disturbances, audio video data.

Subject B includes any creature or trace evidence exhibiting high strangeness properties. This may include UFO/UAP activity, Orbs, apparitions and other paranormal phenomena. These instances may also include data such as anomalous radiations readings, EMF signatures both in gauss and microwave range as well as unexplained frequency detection. These phenomena may also indicate instances of self recognition or attempts at what may be considered a form of communication.

Though there may at times be overlaps in Subjects A&B phenomena, we can not at this time say they are related or the exact same phenomena. In other words there may be a traditional flesh and blood creature in the woods and there may also be something else that is far less conventional out there as well.

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